Have a fulfilling month

It’s the third month of the year. While some are proud of the progress they have made so far,others are not so happy because they seem not to have made much progress.

I took out time to reflect on the past two months and I realized that whatever I achieved or did not achieve were all directly linked to me. I am directly responsible for everything that happened.

No matter how fulfilling the past two months have been,this is another opportunity to have an even better month and no matter how unfulfilling they were,you have the power to turn things around and make a change; it’s another opportunity for a fresh start. Remember it’s not how you started that matters but how well you finish. Have a fulfilling month.

Never Give Up


In life, we all face hard times no matter who we are, where we are,what we have and how perfect our lives seem to be. The term “hard times” is however relative because it is not usually the same experience for everybody. Things that might be a challenge for me might mean absolutely nothing to someone else. The things that we go through stem from a variety of things ranging from our background, to the choices we make, the society and so on so, the tough times that we face are as different as we all are different from one another.

Apart from the fact that it is different for different people, another fact about hard times that a lot of people seem to forget is that they do not last forever. No matter how long it takes, one way or the other, we come out of it and then we have to face another. It’s just the normal cycle of life. If we remember this in our difficult situations, it gives us hope and hope keeps us going.

A lot of people have lost hope while some did not even have it to start with but what I would like you to know is that you need to stay strong and keep fighting. You can’t afford to give up because just like Dr. Robert Schuller said “Tough times never last, but tough people do”.

Hard times are not meant to break us but to refine us and make us stronger and better. I know we have heard that said a lot of times but that’s because it’s true. No student can move on to the next class without having passed all the tests of the previous class and these tests are not “acts of wickedness” like some students see them; they are necessary because the student will not be able to cope in the next class without having gone through that class. We should see the tough times we go through as preparation for the next phase of our lives. If we do not pass the round we’re in, we can’t get into the next round and even if we manage to smuggle our way through we would soon realize that we only did ourselves more harm than good.


In your difficult times, don’t give up and don’t stop believing that there is light at the end of the tunnel because there always is.

Trust with All

Sometime ago, I was trusting God for direction in a certain area of my life. I prayed about it every time I got the chance because I just wanted a clearer picture. I was reading my bible one morning and I came to a verse that is all too familiar to a lot of people and to me.

“Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

I love the way the message translation puts it: “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”

After reading that verse for the umpteenth time, it dawned on me that if I wanted God’s leading and direction, I had to trust him with “all” my heart; not holding anything back. The message translation says “from the bottom” of your heart. This means surrendering everything, not holding anything back. I realized that even though I sincerely wanted God to lead and direct me, I had not let go completely; I was still holding on to some things, I still had a picture of how I thought things should be.

Human understanding says that you know where you are going before you set out but when you put your complete trust in God, you do not need to know; just follow his leading. This is not as easy as it sounds because our minds have not been trained in this way; we like to have everything all planned and figured out before setting out but with God, it is one step at a time .

The only way God can give you direction is if you to submit to him. Let go of the captain position in your life and trust him to captain your boat. Give him that little thing you are holding on to and watch him turn it into something infinitely greater.

Better Days Ahead

At the beginning of every year, we all expect to have a better year than the previous. We make resolutions and we are full of so much enthusiasm for the New Year. We are so confident that we are going to follow through with all our plans. However, so many people do not end the year with the same drive that they started with.

Some people are happy with the way 2017 went for them while some are not happy with the way things turned out. Whether last year ended well or not does not matter anymore because it is now in the past. What we have to do now is focus on the present and make use of every opportunity to make it a better year than 2017.

We might not have what we want or be where we want to be but we are not where we used to be and the good news is that there are better days ahead. So let us dust off all disappointments and look forward to the New Year and all the good it has to offer.

One more thing, life is never fair so stop thinking that life is favoring some people more than you. Whatever you get out of this year is your responsibility so brace yourself and work at making the most of every situation you find yourself and coming out stronger in the face of every challenge. Get ready for your best days so far.

An Important Lesson


The past couple of weeks have been really busy for me. However, in the midst of all the activity I learnt a couple of things and I would like to share one of them with you. It is a lesson that a lot of people have not learnt and most people only realize it when it’s too late.

In a bid to fulfill purpose and in your pursuit of excellence in what you do, never neglect other areas of your life.  A lot of people are so busy pursuing fulfillment in their careers and businesses that they completely forget about all other areas of their lives. They are doing exploits in their businesses and careers but wreaking havoc in everything else. They have put all of their energy into that one thing and as a result, they do not have time for important things like family and even themselves.

There is a story my pastor has told so many times about a man who God gave a message and a horse. He killed the horse but still had the message. The horse was given to him to help him deliver the message but he dedicated all of his time and attention to the message he was to deliver and didn’t remember the horse needed to be cared for too. The life we have been given is meant to be used to fulfill our purpose but if we do not take care of that life, how would we be able to do what we are meant to do? I always tell people that nobody is indispensable. That job or project that you are working so hard on and pouring your entire life into is not something no other person can do. If something happens to you, a replacement would be found sooner than even you can imagine.

Another thing that a lot of people seem to neglect is family. There are so many men out there and sadly even women who hardly have time for their families. They spend more time at work than at home and this is the reason there are so many dysfunctional homes today. It is breaking so many homes and producing a lot of children who are starved of love and attention. Look what those children are growing into today. The sad thing is that when these people are confronted, they say they are working so hard so that their family can be comfortable and so they shouldn’t complain.

Fulfillment of purpose is important and the whole essence of life is to affect other lives, however, the first set of people we should seek to impact first are the family and friends God has given to us. They are the ones that would be there when no one else is. They are the ones that truly care for us with no strings attached. Every other person probably likes you because of what they can get from you so don’t starve the people who care about you of love and attention.

Furthermore, you can’t care for others if you are not well taken care of yourself because you can’t give what you don’t have neither can you be effective in what you do if you are not fit physically and emotionally so I urge you to please take some time out to rest. You will be glad you did.


The Motivational Blog

You are unique and one of a kind. You are special and really rare. There is only one person in this entire world who is capable of being the best and that is just YOU.

Be proud of yourself. Respect yourself. You have your own character, your own distinct thoughts, your own personal abilities and your own charisma. And that is what sets you apart from all other people. Treasure those special gifts that is within you, that has been embedded within you since a long time.

Love yourself always and never hate yourself at all. There may be many flaws and imperfections within you, but remember that it is also a part of your package and it is what makes you unique. Never hate yourselves for it, never.

Embrace your blessings given by God and be proud to live a life that is always a great privilege for you…

View original post 19 more words

The Deepest Form of Worship

Recently, while reading the story of Job, I took some time to ponder on the extent of his faithfulness to God.  Rather than feel bad and downcast, the first thing Job did was to worship God. Despite all that Job passed through, he did not curse God like his wife suggested. Job never doubted the faithfulness of God. After Job was informed about the destruction of everything he had, including his children, he fell down and worshiped God. He got news that some raiders came and carried away all his earthly possessions, the ones that were not carried away were destroyed by fire. As if that wasn’t enough,a house collapsed on all his children and they all died. He lost everything in one day and his response was worship;can you imagine that?

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves in really dark and low points. During such times it looks as if we have been forsaken and the world would fall on us. It is okay to feel bad during difficult and challenging times, but dwelling too much on our down moments is not what God expects from us. How we respond during such times is a reflection of our character.

During your last downtime how did you react?  What was your response like the last time you failed? Did you throw a pity party or blame God for your misfortune? Or did you do what Job did; worship God? I know how difficult it can be to praise when you are in pain but you know what, that is the deepest form of worship. The worship that costs you something is the real deal. Everybody can sing praises to God and thank God when things are rosy and sweet but how many people can truly say God still deserves the worship when times are hard?

We need to realize something which perhaps will change our attitude towards worship. Irrespective of what happens to us, God remains a good God. Even if you say He isn’t, it doesn’t change the fact that He is God. God is not God because we say so; He is God because He is God. As a matter of fact, He does not need us to be God. So why not quit blaming God for your problems and start giving him praise in spite of them because whether you think he deserves it or not does not change anything about Him. He is still God and  He is the only one that can bring you out of whatever situation you are. Cultivate the habit of surrendering all to God through worship, and He’ll lift you.

Are you your brother’s keeper?

One Saturday evening, while a young man, Tola, was returning home from work, he saw Sharon coming out of the motel beside his house. On that evening, Sharon was dressed in a very revealing outfit. Known to be a very dedicated Christian and committed member of the choir in the church Tola attends but lately, Sharon has become a shadow of what she’s known for.

Sharon had tried to get a job but most of them wanted her to “do something” before getting the job. It was really frustrating for Sharon because she had all that was required to get the job, except for the daunting request for her body.

After numerous trials Sharon got a call for another interview. This time she made up her mind to do whatever she was asked to do as it seemed her “holiness” was not getting her anywhere. It was when Tola saw her that he realized he had not been seeing her in church. He felt like walking up to her and talking to her but then he thought she might just embarrass him besides, it was none of his business so he decided to mind his’.

The decision to give your life to Christ made you become a part of God’s family: you became a son or a daughter of God. Therefore, other believers became your brothers and sisters. As human beings, we love our natural family and always put them first before other people but unfortunately we do not apply this to our spiritual family; other Christians. We do not act like the one body that 1Corinthians 12 says we are.

God has given each of us the responsibility to look out for one another. Our commitment should not just be to God but to other Christians; our spiritual brothers and sisters. This is why it is unfair for you to refuse to correct someone doing something wrong.

We should not detach ourselves from people who we feel are wavering in their faith.  We need to go after such people; get them back because they are more vulnerable when they are isolated. The devil likes to isolate people before attacking them because he knows that they are defenseless; they have nobody around to help them.

The kind of church God wants to build is that which is made up of a group of people; a group of people living as one. That implies that there is no such thing as minding your own business; everybody’s business is your business. We are stronger together than on our own.

What we need to know about prosperity

There are various ideologies about prosperity. Someone once said that prosperity is not for the children of God alone, but for anybody who obeys its principles and laws. For instance, principles such as hard work and giving are very vital to prosperity. The bible says “give and it shall be given to you”. It does not say be born again and it shall be given unto you. Once you give, whether you are a child of God or not, you will receive. This explains why people who do not know God are actually rich.

The pattern of thought of some Christians is so unbelievable at times. I find it funny and disappointing: they see someone who is very successful and conclude that he got his wealth through crooked means. Some people will see a rich man and assume that he did rituals. I see such thoughts as a way of justifying personal laziness and mediocrity.

Don’t get me wrong; I am not saying that everybody we see as successful got there through legitimate means. Though there are some people who cut corners to get rich, but not everyone does. I wonder if it has ever occurred to those people who criticize successful people that there is such a thing as hard work. Hard work births results; and one of such is prosperity. You can’t compare someone who stays up all night with someone who sleeps for 8 hours or even more. They can never be on the same level. Success is not magic; it does not just happen. Success is a result.

Just imagine what will happen if hard work (which is what people who don’t know God do because that’s all they have) is combined with the God factor. The ease with which success will be attained and the measure of the success would be mind-blowing. Christians are meant to dominate and rule this world-being the representatives of God. It is however sad that most of us are not making use of what we have. Let’s stop folding our hands and allowing the people of the world to run things. We need to pack up our beds and get to work!

How to respond to people who hurt you

Everybody has been hurt at some point in one way or the other by someone. However, what matters is not the fact that we were hurt but what we do after that.  Instead of brooding over the pain and the person that hurt us or thinking of ways to get back at the person, there are ways that we can respond that would make the bad experience turn out for our good and the person that hurt us would realize his wrong at the end of the day. The best revenge is not hurting the person that hurt us; the fact that someone treated you badly does not mean you should treat them badly or treat other people bad because of the wrong someone did you. The Bible says we should not be overcome by evil but we should overcome evil with good. Getting back at someone for hurting us degrades us. We are much more than that.

One of the ways to respond to hurt is being and doing what they said or think you can’t do and not just that, being the best at it. Imagine how that teacher that thought you were the dumbest person in the world would feel when his son tries to apply for a job in your company. How sweet!

Another way I have learnt to deal with hurt is to be happy irrespective of what people have done to  hurt me and live life to the fullest as though they did not even exist and as if I was never hurt. Someone embarrassed you and treated you like trash; tell yourself you are not who that person says you are but who God says you are. Perhaps someone rejected you and didn’t think you are worth keeping; I want you to know that even if you are not precious in the eyes of someone, there is someone else out there that values you. The best feeling is when someone appreciates everything about you that someone else took for granted.

Imagine the look on the face of that person that said you can never amount to anything when he sees you soaring high and successful. How do you think the people who took you for granted and looked down on you would feel when they see how great you become?

Anytime you think about people who hurt you, forget about the hurt and work on proving them wrong. Show the people that said you couldn’t that you can. Show the people that said you were not good enough that they were too blind to see what you are really made of.

Make up your mind to be fine and happy in spite of their opinion. Don’t let the pain make you hate. Hurts will eat you up inside and reduce your capacity to reach your best. Don’t let bitterness steal your sweetness. Rise above the pain and bring out the treasure hidden inside of you.





It’s not all about you

I was walking by one day when I heard two friends arguing. One of them said something I know a good number of people are familiar with: ‘It’s my life. I can do whatever I want’.  That is a very wrong mentality that too many people have. The same wrong orientation many of us have imbibed and this goes a long way to influence our actions, decisions, approach and attitude to life. Whether we like it or not, our life does not belong to us alone. Even if we do not have family and friends or anyone close to us, there is no way someone will not be affected either directly or indirectly by the things we do.

Think of it this way, if you buy a plot of land and someone has a farm just next to you, would you say, “it’s my land;I can do whatever I want with it” and then, you wake up one day and decide to set it on fire without thinking of how it would affect the farm next to you? It can as well be likened to a drunk driver who gets an innocent road user involved in an accident; someone he probably doesn’t even know at all.

If you think your decisions and actions are your business and no one else’s, you need to think again. Life is not and will never be all about you.  Our choices and decisions do have ripple effects. Whatever choices and decisions you make, no matter how insignificant they seem, will not affect you alone but everybody around you. It will affect even people who do not know anything about the decision you made. A lot of people did not choose the circumstance and situations they find themselves in, but they found themselves there because of a decision someone made.

This is my charge to you: life does not revolve around you alone. Stop making decisions based on what you feel or what you think is in your best interest alone. Think about other innocent people around you that your life will affect.

Love is not a fight

It’s amazing how thin the line between love and hate is. One moment you feel like you can’t live without this person and the next, you can barely stand each other. Love is patient and kind. It is not selfish neither is it proud. Love is not easily provoked. It bears all things and endures all things.

When we love someone, it shouldn’t just be a feeling but a decision because the feeling would not always be there. There would be times when what we feel is nothing close to love. It is at such times that our decision to love that person will make us fight for our love and not fight each other. I want to share the lyrics of a song by Warren Barfield with you;it sums up everything I want to say:

“Love is not a Fight”

Love is not a place

To come and go as we please

It’s a house we enter in

Then commit to never leave

So lock the door behind you

Throw away the key

Work it out together

Let it bring us to our knees

Love is a shelter in a raging storm

Love is peace in the middle of a war

And if we try to leave

May God send angels to guard the door

No love is not a fight

But it’s something worth fighting for

To some love is a word

That they can fall into

But when they’re falling out

Keeping that word is hard to do

Love is a shelter in a raging storm

Love is peace in the middle of a war

And if we try to leave

May God send angels to guard the door

No love is not a fight

But it’s something worth fighting for

Love will come and save us

If we’ll only call

He will ask nothing from us

But demand we give our all

Love is a shelter in a raging storm

Love is peace in the middle of a war

And if we try to leave

May God send angels to guard the door

No love is not a fight

But it’s something worth fighting for.